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Land Rights for Climate Justice

  • COP29 Baku Blue Zone (map)

Land Rights for Climate Justice

November 19, 2024 | 18:30-20:00 (GMT+4)
Side Event Room 3, Blue Zone, COP29 Baku

Join us for an engaging UNFCCC COP29 side event hosted by Landesa in collaboration with Global Green Environmental Network (GLOGEN). This event will highlight the critical role of land tenure in strengthening countries’ Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), showcasing how securing land rights for Indigenous Peoples, local communities, and women can enhance climate action strategies.

This side event dialogue aims to:

  1. Deepen participants’ understanding of the importance of integrating land rights into the NDCs.

  2. Highlight how gender-equitable and socially inclusive land rights are essential for achieving both sustainable development and climate justice.

  3. Explore how land tenure considerations and indicators can be effectively built into an NDC.

  4. Issue a call to action for governments to incorporate land rights into their NDCs and for funders to provide financial support for this effort.

November 19

Women for Climate Justice Leading Solutions on the Frontlines of the Climate Crisis

November 21

PRESS CONFERENCE: In Solidarity for a Decolonized World